Become a Member

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Membership Types
Annual Membership: One-time fee of $25, $50, or $100 to become a member for one year
Sustaining Membership: Qualify for a free eco-friendly tote bag with the Wildwoods logo on it with an automatic monthly gift of $10, $15, $20 or $50. Membership continues until you cancel.

Becoming a Sustaining Member of Wildwoods makes donating easier for you, and provides Wildwoods with a reliable source of membership support. Your membership donation is automatically deducted each month from your credit or debit card and is renewed automatically, providing uninterrupted support to Wildwoods until you cancel. To show our appreciation, all sustaining members are eligible to receive a free re-usable tote bag with the Wildwoods logo on it.


Create an account (optional)

To become a member, please create a user name and password. This will allow you to log in at any time to change your membership, and update your address or credit card information. Wildwoods does not share information. You may read our privacy policy here.

Other Info (optional)


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Sustaining Membership Gift Opt-In

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